Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wiki what? (Thing 18)

Before doing this thing, I had limited experience with wikis. I had heard of them (thanks most in part to the most famous wiki of all, wikipedia) but never really got hands on with one. I got some experience with the wiki that is used by the library although I was still only good at losing pages. At first, when I used the one designated for this activity, I had some difficulty getting it to accept my typing but then I went to another computer that had IE7 and that took care of the problem. After that, it was much easier to make and edit the pages.

Before I added those pages, I did go to wikipedia to look around. I had never paid attention to the tabs at the top that show you the history and discussion, etc. I usually just read the content on wikipedia, then usually would start clicking on the other links which would lead to reading way more than I needed to. Good times, yes; good use of time, no way!

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